Shame on me!

Ok, I admit that I´ve been really bad at updating recently...
I´ve just not been in the mood... For anything frankly...
I bought loads of new books, sat down on my new favourit café and read, read, read. Had to many coffees, switched to hot chocholate, watched the snow fall, danced in the snow, had more chocholate and read some more...
And I rediscovered "julmust" and gingerbread cookies!
Right now I´m trying to pick myself up again... We´ll see how it goes...

Anyhow, N challenged me to write seven truths about myself and I´ll have a go...

Truth 1
I tend to judge by apperence.
First impressions are very important to me, and even thou I quite easily change my mind about people I always tend to cast my judgment on the first apperence.

Truth 2
I love control.
To make plans, schedules, presentations etc etc. I don´t always follow them, but I love the process.

Truth 3
I scared to death that people won´t like me.
I can´t be anything but myself, but even thou I know that, I dread not being liked by others.

Truth 4
I love attention. And I need it.
I need it to function and to push myself. A pat on the shoulder is like elixir for me.

Truth 5
I need my family.
No matter how much I run away and live my own life, I need them to be there when I get home and everything to be like it´s always been. I love them.

Truth 6
I don´t have dreams.
I have goals. Dreams are unreachable, goals are there to conquer.

Truth 7
I found this very hard and think I am quite a private person.
Being able to present 7 truths about myself was really a challenge!

Now I´m gonna pay it forward to;
Kusin Mattias


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